
Connect with companies, individuals and contributors

Hitting your head against a wall tracking down a bug? Want to know how other companies solved a problem you've been working on? We aim to be a place where people can discuss issues, find contributors for your project or even forge coalitions.

Participate in workshops and events

Want to broaden your skillset and see how others are dealing with the challenges in ther work? Learn from other Open Comms Alliance members through interactive workshops, meetups and Q&A sessions.

Be on the forefront of communication developments

Technology is like the wind, it constantly changes direction. The Open Comms Alliance gives you a place to keep in the loop about all things communication and push the industry forward in new and exciting ways.

Know what's going on

Always wondered how that cool technological feat was pulled off? Need a bigger picture of what companies are struggling with or working on? This is the place to find out and help where possible.